László Nagy is awarded by the JGI Community Science Program

2022. okt. 3. | News

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) JGI Joint Genome Institute's 2023 Community Science Program (CSP) focuses on large-scale scientific genome projects that align with the missions of DOE's Office of Biological and Environmental Research (BER): sustainable biofuels and bioproducts, global carbon and nutrient cycling, and biogeochemistry.

The 19 approved projects provide answers to important questions related to the goals of DOE. One of the awarded is a consortium led by László Nagy, senior research associate of the Institute of Biochemistry at the Biological Research Centre, Szeged. The title of the consortium’s proposal: A genome-wide view of the evolution of the most widely used lignocellulose-degrading Basidiomycota. The project aims to study the evolution and lignocellulose degrading ability of the two fungal groups, Agaricus and Pleurotus, which degrade most lignocellulosic plant materials under industrial conditions. The consortium will sequence, assemble and annotate a total of 60 complete genomes using state-of-the-art technologies, followed by comparative studies. The research may reveal new enzymes with a perspective in biofuel production and reveal the genetic consequences of their domestication.

Agaricus dulcidulus


Congratulations on his award and we wish him successful research!


Source: JGI, https://jgi.doe.gov/jgi-announces-2023-community-science-program-awardees/