Unique database was developed with the participation of Péter Horváth’s lab

2022. febr. 18. | News

Spheroids are three-dimensional cellular models that are widely used in studying fundamental biological processes. Academia and industry have already become interested in the benefits of this model system and they apply it in research on drug responses or in the production of 3D tissues and organs. Although spheroids have been present in the life sciences and medicine for decades, there aren’t any unified guidelines for setting up this model system. Because of this, the results are frequently not comparable across studies or misunderstood.

A consortium consisting of international research groups, whose member is the Biomag lab lead by Péter Horváth, collected 3058 spheroid research parameters and developed the unique open-access MIspheroID database. This provides a novel resource for researchers to design and reproduce three-dimensional cellular model system studies.

The results are published in the prestigious Nature Methods and can be read at this link: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41592-021-01291-4

Hungarian summary is available at the ELKH website: https://elkh.org/hirek/az-szbk-kutatoi-is-reszt-vettek-a-3d-szervmodellekre-epulo-kutatasokat-tamogato-vilagviszonylatban-egyedulallo-mispheroid-tudasbazis-letrehozasaban/

Photo source: publication - MISpheroID: a knowledgebase and transparency tool for minimum information in spheroid identity. Nature Methods