New representatives of the Hungarian Young Academy from the BRC

May 16, 2023 | News

Szilvia Veszelka has been elected as a member of the Hungarian Young Academy

Imola Wilhelm is the new co-chair of the Hungarian Young Academy


Szilvia Veszelka, senior research associate of the Institute of Biophysics, has been elected as a member of the Hungarian Young Academy (HYA) for the period of 2023-2028. With this appointment, the BRC is now represented by two members in the 60-member organisation, together with Imola Wilhelm, senior research associate of the Institute of Biophysics, who has been elected as the co-chair of the HYA for two years.

The Hungarian Young Academy is an affiliated organisation of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HAS), which aims at highlighting the problems of young researchers and at helping to find solutions. Its objectives also include promoting scientific excellence, fostering talent and disseminating scientific knowledge to the wider society, in line with the aims and mission of the HAS.

To be eligible for a HYA membership, the candidate must be a member of the public body of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, obtained his or her first PhD degree less than 12 years ago and be under 40 in the year of becoming a member. The age limit may be extended up to 45 years by the length of the parental leave, and on application, by the length of other documented leave of absence. The membership is for 5 years, after which the member becomes an alumnus or alumna. Each year, 12 new members are elected - representing the disciplines of Life Sciences, Humanities and Social Sciences and Natural Sciences.

The list of members of the HYA is available here, the full list of the 12 new members elected in 2023 is available here, while the list of current board members is here.

The HYA's wide-ranging activities are best illustrated by the two surveys conducted in 2018 and 2021 assessing the situation and problems of young Hungarian researchers. Besides, the HYA held science communication workshops and forums on several important topics. In addition to knowledge transfer and knowledge acquisition, the HYA provides a direct communication channel between young researchers and the granting agencies, as well as the leaders of the HAS Doctoral Council. The 7th Young Researchers' Forum took place on 10 May 2023, where international mobility grants and scholarships for young researchers were presented, followed by a public round table discussion. As with our previous events, a video will soon be available on the HAS YouTube channel.

The HYA, together with the National Research, Development and Innovation Office (NRDIO), has held several information events in recent years (e.g. NRDIO-HYA OTKA Information Day 2022). In addition, discussions were conducted with representatives of the National Talent Programme on the possibilities of funding for young talented researchers to return to work after childcare. For the third time this year, the organisation launched its Bolyai Mentoring Programme, and for the first time this year, we have also provided mentoring for NRDIO postdoctoral applications.

In the spirit of cooperation and representation of young researchers in the HAS, five members of the HYA's board are participating in the work of three presidential and nine other committees of the HAS. From January 2021, four of our members are involved as junior co-chairs in the thematic missions of the Academia Europaea Budapest Knowledge Hub, led by László Lovász. Several members of the HYA are also active in the work of similar international organisations (Young Academy of Europe and Global Young Academy) and will be more directly involved in European science policy-making through the participation in the Young Academies Science Advice Structure (YASAS) which was established in 2020.